Fireball Productions and the Rogue Grange and Community Center present the old-time radio drama Sam Spade and The Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cottontail Caper.

Sam Spade Mystery

Chip Weinert, left, Tracy Ellenbecker and Rob Brown – Curry Coastal Pilot photo

Dashiell Hammett’s 1930’s era fictional detective Sam Spade takes on a case involving an elaborate scheme to steal a wealthy socialite’s crown.

But where do Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cottontail come in?

You’ll have to listen to the program to find out!


Produced by Fireball Productions and Hosted by the Rogue Grange and Community Center in Nesika Beach


Cheryl Seaton


Michael Hall


The Announcer — Brad Wood
Sam Spade — Chip Weinert
Effie — Amy Pike
Fritz — Bob Miller
Mrs. Montague — Laurie Meredith
Mr. Montague — Rob Brown
Charmaine Roget — Carrie Crook
Renaud Roget — Tracy Ellenbecker
Anne — Anne Tlaker-Hall


Special Effects — Anne Tlaker-Hall

Technical Assistance:

Ellensburg Theater Company, Inc., Gold Beach, Oregon

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