Donate to Curry Coast Community Radio

You can make a tax deductible donation to Curry Coast Community Radio in several ways …

Donate by Credit Card with PayPal *

You can donate by credit card or direct funds transfer from your checking or savings account using PayPal. Just click the Donate button below to make a one-time donation or monthly pledge.

PayPal Donate Button

Donate by Check

You can pay by mail with a personal check. Just mail your donation to:

Curry Coast Community Radio
P.O. Box 565
Brookings, OR 97415

Make your check payable to “Curry Coast Community Radio.”

Sign Up for Fred Meyer Community Rewards

You can help KCIW earn donations just by shopping with your Fred Meyer Rewards Card, and you will still earn your Rewards Points, Fuel Points, and Rebates, just as you do today!

Fred Meyer donates several million dollars per year to non-profits in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington, based on where their customers tell them to give.

Click HERE to find out how to sigh up and make KCIW your non-profit of choice.


Become a KCIW Sponsor or Underwriter

Click HERE for more information.


* If you’re donating via PayPal, please provide your mailing address. We want to send a personal thank you for your generous donation.


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