Curry Coast Community Radio is pleased to present a short story by Angela Ewing …

The Tulips Are Showing Green

This short story originated when I lived in a condo in Ashland in 1988. Our Christmas tree was put on the small back deck after New Year and lasted green and pleasant until March. I knew there was a story somewhere in there, and as always, as a writer, I included an issue from my own life experience. In this case it is the prejudice or preconceived idea, unfavorable towards other people, race, or religion that becomes a destructive element in someone’s life.

Angela Ewing

Host: Angela Ewing, Producer: Angela Ewing, Recording Tech: Justin Only; Sound Editor: Justin Only

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End music is Fall by Igor Khabarov, licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 International License.
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