Coos-Curry Electric Cooperative Board Member Georgia Cockerham was censured by the CCEC Board President and removed from her office as a Beacon Broadband Board Member. Beacon Broadband is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Coos-Curry Electric Cooperative. Its mission is to bring high speed fiberoptic broadband internet to residence of the CCEC service are.

Cockerham says she was censored and removed from the Beacon Broadband board because of her insistence on transparency with regard to the Beacon Broadband project, which is being funded by $60 million in loans and grants with member-owned CCEC providing collateral. Cockerham believes CCEC members have a right to see what the financial projections are for Beacon Broadband, especially since Beacon Broadband faces competition from Spectrum, Ziply Fiber, Starlink, and other broadband/internet providers in the area.

KCIW spoke to Cockerham, and also reached out to CCEC President Jim Kolen for an interview. We look forward to his response and will update the story as it changes.

Reporter: Lori Gallo Stoddard

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