Chetco Activity CenterIn this episode of the Chetco Activity Center – Your Gathering Place, Eleanor Cook, Carol Owens, and Jean Westfall sit down with Scott Clapson to talk about the Meals on Wheels program at the Chetco Activity Center.

Meals on Wheels serves low income house bound seniors who need nutritional support for a variety of different reasons. They prepare and deliver 50 hot meals five days a week with an extra two frozen meals on Friday for the weekend. This program operates mostly with volunteers in our community who help package the meals and deliver them to the recipients.

You can help a senior in need get nutritious healthy warm food five days a week and two frozen meals for the weekend for only $35 a week or $150 a month. Please call the Center Activity Center to find out more at 541-469-6822.

Thanks to all the wonderful staff and volunteers who make this important program happen.

Host: Scott Clapson, Producer: Scott Clapson

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