Curry County announced its first confirmed cases of COVID-19 in April and it took 8 months to reach 100 cases. But it took just weeks … from Thanksgiving to December 21 … to bring that total to 254.  So how prepared is Curry County for this surge in COVID Cases?  What are the people in charge of your health here doing to keep you safe?

Curry Public Health Administrator Sherrie Ward says her office has been overwhelmed by the pandemic. Curry Health Network CEO Ginny Williams says she’s working on logistics for the coming vaccine and vaccinations. And at least one local public health expert says our response has not been and is not now nearly enough. She calls on local leadership to think about side effects of the pandemic; the social and economic hardships this virus is sure to bring in the coming months.

Find out more when you listen to this KCIW News Special Report, COVID in Curry County.

Reporter: Lori Gallo Stoddard

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