Heroes Don’t Take Water Breaks is a sketch comedy program by a band of friends and brothers, including Maclane Westbrook, Jadin Payne, Quarry Sarabia, Gage Westbrook, Laurie Buehler, McKenna Davis, Miranda Wolfers, and Jed Doan. Written by Maclane and Jake Westbrook, the show presents satires, parodies and re-creations of classic scripts.

This week on HDTWB, we perform The Maltese Sparrow, an episode of the Jack Saturday series “Another Rainy Day”, and the famous “Casey at the Bat”.

Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes at itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/heroes-dont-take-water-breaks. Like us on Facebookfacebook.com/heroesdonttakewaterbreaks, or send us an email at heroesdonttakewaterbreaks@gmail.com.

Performed by The HDTWB Players: Maclane Westbrook, Gage Westbrook, Quarry Sarabia, Jed Doan, Laurie Buehler, Miranda Wolfers
Producers: Maclane Westbrook, Jake Westbrook, and Dane Tippman
Recording Tech: Dane Tippman

Sound Editors: Dane Tippman

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Sound effects used in the show are licensed from wavebrigade.com. Noir Jazz music and other tunes are from Jason Shaw of audionautix.com, Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. Laser Groove and Bass Walker – Film Noir are by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com), Creative Commons By Attribution 3.0 License.

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