Heroes Don’t Take Water Breaks is a sketch comedy program by a band of friends and brothers, including Maclane Westbrook, Jadin Payne, Quarry Sarabia, Gage Westbrook, Laurie Buehler, and Jed Doan. Drawing off of inspiration from Old Time Radio, the creators wish to present satires, parodies, re-creations, and original scripts.

This week, HDTWB presents three tales, comprised of an inside look at the job of a police detective and his partner in “A Rainy Day In San Francisco”, a sophisticated look at classic literature in “Road Not Taken”, and finally, the tale of a rich man looking for a simple life in “Small Town Billionaire”.

Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes  at itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/heroes-dont-take-water-breaks. Like us on Facebookfacebook.com/heroesdonttakewaterbreaks. or send us an email at heroesdonttakewaterbreaks@gmail.com.

Performed by The HDTWB Players
Producers: Maclane Westbrook, Jake Westbrook, and Dane Tippman
Sound Editors: Jake Westbrook and Dane Tippman

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The opening song in San Francisco was taken from an episode of the 1950s Dragnet radio show, which is public domain.
Selections of the composition Golly Gee by Kevin MacLeod were used. Source: incomptec.com, Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license.
This show includes excerpts of the Public Domain songs The Entertainer, acquired from the Wikimedia Commons.
The following sound effects used in this show are the Public Domain: City ambience sound effects, footsteps, electrical room sounds, and car idling sounds are from freesound.org, Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication license.
Other sound effects used in the show are licensed from wavebridge.com.

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