The Confederated Tribes of the Lower Rogue (CTLR) honored heritage, tribal elders, and veterans at the 23rd Annual Gathering of the People, Sept. 19th and 20th, 2015. This special honoring event is a traditional Pow-Wow held each year on the Rogue River at Big Bend, Oregon. KCIW’s Cultural Connections is honored to share this “diamond in the rough” recording on location at the Pow-Wow.

Confederated Tribes of the Lower RogueThese hallowed grounds are where many local bands of Native Americans came together to fight heroically to protect their families and loved ones at the Battle of Big Bend. A very special thanks to CTLR Tribal Chairman Don Fry, Tribal Secretary Linda Coon, and retired principal and Superintendent of Schools for Powers, Oregon, Peter Nightingale.

This installment of Cultural Connections highlights CTLR’s cultural history as well as their ongoing quest to become a federally recognized tribe.

For more information about the Confederated Tribes of the Lower Rogue and this very special event, please check out their Facebook page.

Cultural Connections’ special assignment show host Skip Hunter teaches sociology, cultural anthropology, and Native American Studies at Southwestern Oregon Community College (Brookings campus) and College of the Redwoods (Crescent City, CA campus).

Host: Skip Hunter; Producers: Connie Hunter, Skip Hunter; Recording Tech: Jim Newman, Sound Editor: Justin Only; flute Intro and end music by Michael Penney

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Intro and end music by Michael Penney.


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