The Scalpel

The Scalpel: Episode 3 – Worldviews

Welcome to The Scalpel, a program series where ideas are dissected, not people. This series is hosted by Jim Schultz, husband, father, and Pastor at the Lighthouse Assembly of God in Brookings-Harbor, Oregon. The Scalpel is a show that endeavors to practice...

The Scalpel: Episode 2 – Logic

Welcome to The Scalpel, a program series where ideas are dissected, not people. This series is hosted by Jim Schultz, husband, father, and Pastor at the Lighthouse Assembly of God in Brookings-Harbor, Oregon. The Scalpel is a show that endeavors to practice...

The Scalpel: Episode 1 – Civility

Welcome to The Scalpel, a program series where ideas are dissected, not people. This series is hosted by Jim Schultz, husband, father, and Pastor at the Lighthouse Assembly of God in Brookings-Harbor, Oregon. The Scalpel is a show that endeavors to practice...

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