Book Two – Episode 13

Book I, Episodes 1 – 12 took us into another world in England during and after World War II and the effect it had on her family.

We continue the story now in Episode 13 when our protagonist, Amelia Norton is on her way to America to become an Au pair for a wealthy family in Chappaqua, New York. Her finance, Colin, is now with the Army in Vietnam; a war he has described as senseless. Amelia’s guilt at persuading Colin to go to the States without her two years ago has played on her mind. It has been a year since she heard from him, and now she is now determined to find out where he is and if he is safe.

We recommend that you listen to the episodes in order. Click HERE to find all of the episodes published to date.

Host: Angela Ewing, Producer: Angela Ewing, Recording Tech: Justin Only; Sound Editor: Justin Only

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Image is a Bristol Britannia from the Ed Coates’ Civil Aircraft Photograph Collection.

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